We’re proud to announce that we’ve named Brian Phillips as Vice President, Creative Director of Walk West. Brian is joining the Walk West team with 20 years of experience in the advertising industry, during which he’s worked as both an art director and creative director at different agencies and organizations, including CDM Princeton, GSW Worldwide, and PulseCX.
During his career, Brian has worked on advertising and branding campaigns and initiatives for pharmaceutical, technology, and consumer brands.

Creative Passion Forged in Ice
Brian’s journey started in the frigid cold at Syracuse University where he mastered in Communications Design and minored in Advertising Design. This is where he learned how to give brands a voice through visual expression, as well as the art of downhill skiing.
His design philosophy is advantageous to brands looking for a strong creative presence. He believes that strong creative can live on its own without unnecessary filigree or ornamental type. As a designer and creative director, Brian works intentionally to bring big ideas to life in a way that yields tangible results.
Artistic Vision that Never Sleeps
Brian brings his passion for art and creative design into everything he does – including his home life.
A husband and father, Brian is a wannabe chef who enjoys working as a short-order cook for his family. When he has free time, he enjoys getting his creative juices flowing by designing beer labels for a local Bucks County brewery.
Brian and his wife, Suzanne, live in Bucks County, Pennsylvania (the historic suburbs outside of Philadelphia) with their 2 boys, Noah and Sawyer, and their Australian Labradoodle, Kaia.
Fulfill Your Creative Brand Needs at Walk West
Interested in bringing your brand to life in a new, creative, and innovative way? Then it’s time to schedule some time with Walk West.
Schedule a free consultation with Brian here and let’s see what we can accomplish together.